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The Star Bid and Win Contest 2013

Hello Malaysian !, join the count down to Merdeka from 17 June to 11 August 2013 in the star Bid and Win Contest and you could win an attractive prizes. There are 4 series featuring 8 attractive prizes and the top bidder of each prize will be the winner! if you're not a top bidder, you will still be eligible to win a Special Prize.

How to Join ?

1- cut out and collect your star points
2- choose the prize you want and decide on your bid amount.

Example: If the minimum bid amount is 3000 Star Points, you should bid HIGHER than 3000 Star Points to increase your chances of winning.

3 - SMS your bid to 36006 in the following format.
THESTAR <space> Prize Code <space> Bid Amount <space> Name <space> Identification No. 

For more details of these contest plz log on
